24A042: Few Great Expectations, 10/29/2024 Just an extra four years to build freedom
24A041: Migrants, 10/22/2024 A simple, non-coercive fix to a needless problem
24A040: The Government Debt Vortex, 10/15/2024 It will soon end in a big gulp
24A039: A Death Penalty in the ZGS?, 10/8/2024 Two wrongs don't make one right
24C038: Know Your Enemy, 10/1/2024 Ancestral, and permanent
24A037: Russia's Nuclear Doctrine, 9/24/2024 The bear is now being baited
24A036: World Money, 9/17/2024 Gold is ready and waiting
24A035: Liars, the Lot of Them, 9/10/2024 Truth-telling matters
24A034: Haters and Hypocrites, 9/3/2024 Watch what they do, not what they say
24A033: Two Killers, Not One, 8/27/2024 1963, all over again
24A032: Closure of the American Mind, 8/20/2024 Dare to speak out of turn?
24A031: Humanity, 8/13/2024 Natural. Not artificial
24A030: Democide, 8/6/2024 Government at work
24A029: The Butler Didn't Do It, 7/30/2024 Here's who did
24A028: Belief and Action, 7/23/2024 They are linked, so best get it right
24A027: Authority, 7/16/2024 Why there is no such thing
24A026: The G-Word, 7/9/2024 What "Genocide" actually means
24A025: The N-Word, 7/2/2024 What "Nazi" actually means
24A024: Run-up to the Reset, 6/25/2024 Lethal lunacy in charge
24A023: Two Roads to Freedom, 6/18/2024 Take one
24A022: No Through Road, 6/11/2024 Politicking cannot cut it
24A021: Free to Travel, 6/4/2024 It's a natural right, and will be restored
24A020: A Spoonful of Clear Thought, 5/28/2024 Government's foundations
24A019: The War of Russian Independence, 5/21/2024 Another USGov failure
24A018: Dugin and Daughter, 5/14/2024 A quick dive into Russian philosophy
24A017: The Theft of "Capitalism", 5/7/2024 Recovery of a stolen word
24A016: Palestine, etc, 4/30/2024 Make a State, cause eight decades of mayhem
24A015: Tidying-Up, 4/23/2024 Improvements to a useful web site
24A014: Freedomandemocracy, 4/16/2024 Political fraud at its loudest
24A013: "What If...?", 4/9/2024 The folly of a few acting for many
24A012: A New Book, 4/2/2024 Introducing Freedom and How to Find It
24A011: Taking a Break, 3/12/2024 Check back on April 2nd
24A010: Savage Judges, 3/5/2024 America's most brutal criminal class
24A009: AI is Seriousy Over-rated, 2/27/2024 A valuable tool for rulers, though
24A008: A Foot in the Door, 2/20/2024 A new attack on the family
24A007: Violent Resistance?, 2/13/2024 There's a much better way
24A006: Fireworks and Holes in the Ground, 2/6/2024 How to spot waste
24A005: States' Rights, 1/30/2024 Do they have any?
24A004: "Defund Police, Abolish Prisons", 1/23/2024 And the sooner, the better
24A003: College Admissions, 1/16/2024 Improvements on the way
24A002: Honest Living, Without Laws, 1/9/2024 Ethics, in the free society
24A001: Gaza, et cetera, 1/2/2024 What murder and hypocrisy are about