11A089 Outside the Box by Jim Davies, 3/31/2011    

One of the delights of breaking free of the near-universal assumption that government is necessary, is that one enters a community of bright people able to see the world with clear vision. Yesterday was a prime example, for me. This ZGBlog is a bit short because I plan to introduce you to what came to me before the morning was three hours old, and leave you to enjoy them too.

First, an alert ZGBlogger emailed me to draw attention to a revolutionary way to produce energy on a large scale. It may well dominate the next century or more, but I must admit not having heard of it. It's well enough known that deep under the ocean there are such things as hydrothermal geysers, but for some reason I had supposed that they are few and so deep as to be way out of mankind's reach. Seems I was wrong. They are very numerous, and often in relatively shallow water under 3,000 meters; BP's "Deepwater Horizon" was at half that depth and the Titanic lies twice as deep. So they are not inaccessible. Thing is, they produce a prodigious amount of energy, and Bruce C Marshall has invented a way to capture it. Read and enjoy: http://www.marshallsystem.com/complete.htm

This new technology is not a done deal; governments can be expected to obstruct the private ownership of portions of the ocean, which would bring the project enormous help even if it's not an absolute prerequisite, and a single power plant needs a horrid amount of investment money, and so on; but the invention is there and it promises to put even thorium plants into the shade. What a marvelous antidote to the relentless gloom about Fukushima saturating pro-government TV.

Then I paid my daily visit to Strike the Root, and found two of my most-favorite authors had each penned a truly excellent, outstanding piece.

Jakub Bozydar Wisniewski contrasts the logic of zero government society with wooly and self-contradictory "bleeding heart" liberalism, while the enigmatic author Tzo (who lives "inside your head") brilliantly takes apart Stanley Milgram's shortfall in his famous experiment about obedience to authority. Tzo shows that Milgram came as close as a Remington razor to the accurate conclusion that "authority" (or the belief in it) is at the root of evil, yet failed to take the vital step of saying so. And for good measure, Tzo is funny. This is an article not to miss.

Your feedback, please!

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