You just took a very brave step. A courageous, principled decision. Good for you!

And your "reward" was to lose your job. That says a great deal about your former employer. You deserve better.

No, you don't need orange hair and a red cap. 

Just self-esteem. An awareness that you own you. That it's your body they want to invade with their experimental injections. That the decision about jabs was yours to make, nobody else's.

And by saying "Nah!" instead of "Ba-a-a", you proved that you have that self-esteem, that you're a human being and not a sheep. If everyone followed your example, their arrogant campaign to turn us all into sheep would collapse in a heartbeat.

But as you well know, that courageous step didn't come cheap. You're out of a job.

This web page is in place for one reason: to help you find another.

The Best Option: Hire Yourself

Years ago, my multinational employer let my whole department go; I had some skills and experience, but over several months discovered that they were not in general demand. Oops!

So - with a bit of luck and the kindness of a friend - I encountered an opportunity to start my own small business. That was something I'd dreamed of doing for some time. But now it was for real. I had to carve a new path, find out what worked.

Suddenly, I was CEO, CFO and COO of my own one-man enterprise, and after pounding the sidewalk for some weeks to drum up business I created a way to multiply my sales effectiveness. Within three years I had revenues of a million dollars in today's money. It was one of the most exciting and fulfilling times of my life. (The business declined later, but that's another story.)

You too are an independent person; your brave decision (above) proves that. So perhaps you too have a yen to run your own firm.

If so, carpe diem! Begin by writing down the skills and the aims that you have. Keep your eyes and ears open, and fire up your imagination, and see what pops out of the mix. Go for it! You will never find a more agreeable boss.


Next Best: Partner with Pals

Probably, you were not the only one to leave when the needles were deployed. Some colleagues may have left with you. All of you have sets of skills that may well complement each other. Together, you might form a small firm.

Suppose you were all working at a hospital for example. Then quite likely, your group will include nurses, LNAs, PAs and an MD or two. What better than for you to found a new health-care clinic?

Some such clinics have been breaking new ground: they bypass the onerous insurance industry and take only patients who sign up to pay a low, monthly cash membership fee. For that, they get all the treatment they need. See this description of one such, already operating.

The partnership could promote itself however it wishes. For example it might advertise "NO MASKS REQUIRED;  THEY ARE UGLY, DANGEROUS AND USELESS." And it would certainly declare "NO INJECTIONS WITHOUT YOUR FULLY INFORMED CONSENT."

A great many people are rightly angry about the loss of freedom government has imposed during the current, bogus "plague." That kind of person will respond very readily to the kind of clinic you and your friends would be establishing. A large market is waiting!


Or, Join the Job Hunt

Nothing wrong with that, it's very popular. You'll need to scan the jobs-available columns and web sites, and right now there are "Help Wanted" signs all over the place - I've never seen so many!

More, you may well wish to advertise your own availability, and if so think about how to describe your skills succinctly and attractively. Be sure to state plainly that you will not submit to being jabbed by a bogus "vaccine" and (if it's so) that you will not wear a face mask on the job. That will clear out the clutter of employers who want to over-rule your right to own yourself.

One of the (few!) good things to emerge from the present outrageous demands for "vax passes" is the formation of a web site (still small at this writing) on which job seekers and employers can post their qualifications - but who all oppose those demands. Take a look, it's the No Vax Mandate Jobs Board.


While Waiting, Read Some More

This ridiculous situation did not arise by accident. I've tracked it since February 2020, and think it completely bogus; a fraud deliberately designed by a group of powerful governments, working with large companies, to subdue populations to their more burdensome rule. I write a weekly Blog, and several of them focus on particular aspects of this scam; in its Archive those are marked with a small "plague flag" like this:

You might begin with one written in May 2020: The Bogus Plague of 2020. That exposes its false foundations and has a footnote listing most of my other Covid-related blogs written since that month. Another, from last month, is Take No Jab and if you'd like a copy of the b-sticker it shows, let me know.

Nearly all of them include outbound links to a few of the many other sources, so you can be sure I'm not making all this up! Study those too, and gain a perspective on how evil this whole fraud has become.

Feel free to contact me if you think I might help; my email appears below. And, good luck!

Jim Davies
November, 2021