A B O U T  the ZGBlog


This Blog visualizes what life and society would be like if government did not exist - at all, at any level. It tries to do so usually by taking some current mess that the State has created, and showing how in a zero government society (ZGS) it would never have arisen, and how it could and should now be removed. Sometimes, it also presents a principle of living in such a society, and why it is intellectually imperative, or how one can be obtained in practice.

Unlike other good libertarian sites, this one does not just expose the follies of government actions or suggest how their dire effects might be softened; we do not aim merely to minimize the State. We want it gone altogether, replaced by a society in which all interactions are voluntary.

The founder, editor and primary author is Jim Davies, but sometimes Editions are written by others who share that purpose. If you'd like to contribute one, make contact by email.

The ZGBlog began in 2010, and now several hundred editions are archived for the reader to peruse at leisure - and, hopefully, pleasure. Some may contain errors, revealed after publication (especially, predictions!) Those have not been corrected. Initially the blog appeared every other day, but that proved too arduous as Jim gets older and since about 2014 they are published one per week, each Tuesday. The RSS feed can be used as a reminder.

On the right hand side of each edition are links to some other of Jim's publications, and they all complement the ZGBlog. Central is The On Line Freedom Academy, strongly recommended as a source both of education in understanding why a ZGS alone is a fit for human nature, and in motivating every graduate to leave (or never to enter) government service. Hence, TOLFA can both cause the disappearance of the State and prepare everyone to live and prosper without it.

The resolve not to work for it, by everyone, is how the ZGS will come into reality; for while the State makes use of us its victims in numerous ways, the essential one is our labor. Withdraw that, and it cannot avoid implosion.

So the ZGBlog offers a rare, possibly unique contribution to the blogosphere. Each edition is quite short (usually between 700 and 1,000 words) so can easily be read each Tuesday. Get in the habit of brightening your week with it - and if it continues to make sense, spread the word! - recommend its URL to your friends. www.theanarchistalternative.info/zgb/ will always lead to the latest edition, and the "Recent" icon near the top of each will always link to previous ones. There's also a quick link at TinyURL.com/ZGBlog .

To freedom!


What the coming free society
will probably be like
How freedom
was lost
How it is being
The go-to site for an
overview of a free society
Freedom's prerequisite:
Nothing more is needed
Nothing less will do

What every bureaucrat needs to know
Have them check TinyURL.com/QuitGov

How Government Silenced Irwin Schiff

This 2016 book tells the sad story and shows that government is even more evil than was supposed