22A027 NATO's Aim by Jim Davies, 7/5/2022
The huge mystery, to me, is of why the governments in NATO have for thirty years been doubling their membership instead of disbanding, and clearly aiming to encircle or isolate Russia. Why, when the communism which made it dangerous had collapsed? And why now have they so savagely slashed trade with the country, just because it responded to a neighbor's call for help, to prevent invasion by a Ukrainian government unwilling to allow residents in the East of the country to secede? In a few weeks, we have been brought to the edge of WW3, for that relatively trivial reason, that regional dispute. Very clearly, the US-led alliance is to blame; but what is its underlying motive? - why do those governments so hate Russia? ![]() One answer was given on June 19th by its foreign minister Sergey Lavrov, who is perhaps the smartest statesman alive. He said "The real goal of the US in providing military aid to Ukraine is to deprive Russia of its independent status on the international stage." Lavrov weighs his words, so it's worth reading them carefully. He says here that the world is a "stage" (so governments are all acting parts, following a script) but that Russia likes to follow its own script with an "independent status." In Moscow, they don't say and do things in order to conform to someone else's standard, they make up their own minds. They are not within US hegemony, and Mr Lavrov, Mr Putin and their colleagues wish to keep it that way. Except that he's speaking on behalf of a government, such words could be those of any libertarian! He's saying that the script all of NATO follows is written in Washington, but that the RusGov will make up its own mind about whether to follow it. So in 2020 for example, NATO loosed Covid on the world but it was several months before Russia, and others, announced that yes, people are dying of it. The delay by Moscow must have quite annoyed Dr Fauci, Herr Schwab and Mr Gates. A few other ways in which Russians keep their own counsel: they resent the fact that the US Dollar acts as the currency for international trade - which has contributed much to US living standards. The RusGov does not overspend, so has no significant long-term debt, unlike all NATO governments, hence is not under obligation to lenders. Putin often criticizes the West for being morally degenerate - he rejects the Woke religion on Russia's behalf. In 2013 he allowed Ed Snowden to stay in Russia, while Obama was baying for his blood. And Russians design and build their own weapons, often with outstanding capability, relying not one whit on US military protection. But Biden wants Putin's allegiance. Or rather, since Sleepy Joe actually has a hard time deciding what he wants for breakfast, the powers that be in the State Department desire that Russia should submit to the American will. And it won't. Hence the relentless NATO pressure. I notice that NATO countries have done two awful things this decade so far, not just this one: they also created and led the worldwide Covid scam. So, twice in two years, they started schemes designed to create widespread fear, discord, subservience and dependency. In the first, they cajoled whole populations into wearing ugly, dangerous and useless face masks, into staying home upon command and traveling only under tight restrictions, and far too many into submitting to a government jab with a "cure" that has proven ineffective and sometimes destructive. All the while, government-controlled media savagely silenced dissenting voices with what's called the "cancel culture." In the second, they've scraped rust off the terrible specter of nuclear war, which had not been much of a scare since 1963 and virtually none since 1990, and are holding over us all the imminent threat of being vaporized. This too has spread fear and dependency, the better to dominate the population. Back of them both is, hidden in plain sight, the sinister plan known as the "Great Reset", which was cooked up by a bunch of billionaires and politicians aiming to bring us all under the control of some kind of world government, helpless pawns instead of sovereign human beings. They may well have two or three other big-scare situations under preparation, to loose upon us during the next 7 years, ready for their target completion date of 2030. NATO governments are leading the way, but Russia isn't cooperating. Good for Russia. Do the lunatics now in charge of the asylum intend to start an actual, shooting war with Russia? - it's possible, though hard to suppose. If it were contained as a conventional conflict, victory would be feasible; NATO GDPs add up to nearly 12 times that of Russia, and populations to 5½ times. The problem would be, how to contain it that way, when Russia has enough nuclear missiles to destroy every European and North American city and silo. Go on provoking a bear and eventually he will attack, with all he has; yet doing so would destroy Russia too. Such was always the intent of MAD. Just possibly, the plan is to force the RusGov to face the reality that there is no way to both win and survive a hot war, and so to submit to NATO (ie, to the USGov.) Then there will be no obstacle to the Great Reset plan and NATO will have control over the vast resources of oil, gas and minerals so far barely explored in the world's biggest country. This is an example of the indisputable fact that there is no such thing as a limited government. Allow one to exist, and it will grow. And go on growing, on its own or in concert with others as above. If the human race is to survive it must therefore be ended. You and I have the means to do that. |