22A042 Crowds Going Crazy by Jim Davies, 10/18/2022
I was busy practising my newfound ambulatory skills at age 2, so I decline to accept responsibility; but in 1939 the rest of Britain went mad. Looking back more recently, I detect a radical change in the public mood there during that fateful summer. Up through 1938, opinion was firmly opposed to a new war with Germany; the previous one had eliminated a generation and that ended only 20 years earlier. So when the Prime Minister returned from a meeting with Hitler with a promise that the Sudetenland was his final ambition in Europe, Chamberlain was never more popular. Did he trust the Führer's word? - hard to tell. He was an English gentleman as well as a politician, so perhaps he did. Hitler, on the other hand, was overheard to say right after his guests had left that it was "no more than a scrap of paper." A few months later when I'd taken my first few steps, he swept unopposed into Prague, and Nevile Chamberlain felt betrayed and issued his fatal guarantee to Poland; and (to my point, at last) public opinion swung round 180° in favor of war if Hitler took one more slice of land. "War fever" took hold. That was my first experience of what Dr Robert Malone later called "Mass Formation Psychosis." Too bad I wasn't able to pay more attention. The next example I noticed was in 1990, by which time I'd realized the true value of all governments so had become an anti-war anarcho-libertarian, and was happy to find about two thirds of US public opinion opposed to Bush-1's efforts to involve the country in the Gulf War. I took part in the huge NYC protest march in October (those ambulatory skills at work again.) But somehow, by year's end the public mood had reversed. War fever had once again taken over. The crowd had gone mad; the first fatal step was taken on 1/17/91 that involved US military force in the Mid-East and continued until at least 2021. I was horrified; nothing much had changed in those few months, except for the steady drip of government propaganda via the media; but at some point, the bucket sank. ![]() Fast-forward to 2020, and here's where Dr Malone comes in; he watched incredulously, as I did, the willingness of scores of millions of Americans and others worldwide to believe the absurd tale that a new bug, a variant on that of the common cold, was as dangerous as a plague. Now, if a new bug starts killing folk it needs to be taken seriously until properly evaluated, but it was clear enough to me by May of that year that it was bogus as such; indeed, I'd published that suggestion as early as March. As time passed that early understanding was refined; you can follow the tale using the "Plague Flag" marker But a clear majority of everyone had gone crazy, and really believed the lies, donning those ugly, dangerous and useless face masks and, later, even allowing their skin to be punctured with needles purporting to deliver a "vaccine" that has actually vaccinated nobody. This behavior, Dr Malone has analysed and explained as "Mass Formation Psychosis." Do spend 13 minutes now, to watch his video presentation. |