22A045 NOTA; or Better, Stay Home by Jim Davies, 11/8/2022
Today is the High and Holy Day of America's State Religion; the day when the ruling priesthood pauses from its endless chant of Blah, Blah and awaits the congregation's obedient, antiphonal response of B-a-a, B-a-a. It's V*ting Day, November 8th. ![]() Why it is better to stay home? - safety. It's more likely that you'll be killed on the way to That's one reason; here's another. It is that v*ting is an immoral act. The v*ter is declaring that (s)he wants his favored candidate to support a set of laws that impose obligations on his neighbor which he alone, without the force of lawmakers, would be unable to impose - which, indeed, would even be highly illegal for him even to try to impose. Either an act is morally evil or it is not; and if it is, it remains evil even if perfumed with endorsement by the legislature. Example: if it's wrong for you to force a neighbor to pay to send your kids to a school, it's wrong also for the Elect to do it on your behalf. But surely, someone asks, if all candidates are unacceptable why not show up and check the box marked NOTA, None Of The Above? It's a fair question. One answer is that to my knowledge, there is not a ballot paper or machine in the country that offers that alternative. A better one is that even to v*te for NOTA is an action that endorses the system; that says "Yes I'd v*te for a better candidate if one was available." Wrong: it's the system that is rotten, not just its players. Here's another reason to abhor v*ting: it denies human nature. As often noted on the ZGBlog, we humans have the natural, absolute right of self ownership - to own, operate and rule our own lives. Nobody else's, just ours. To v*te is to declare "I want you to rule me" and that is an abdication of responsibility and a contradiction of who and what we are; and it's to declare "I want you to rule him, too" - which by that same Self Ownership Axiom, we have no right at all to do. So to v*te is to endorse a wicked, anti-human falsehood. There are others, but I'll end with this: a prime tenet of the State Religion is that by v*ting, The People exercise their will, by Majority Rule. Hog wash! The real result of elections is that a minority makes and enforces rules for 100% of the population, but only 160 million or just half of it actually v*ted, in 2020; and that turnout was unusually high. The other 50% were either ineligible (non citizens, persons under 18...) or who chose not to. Of the 50% who v*te, close to half choose the winning candidate, so this system of "majority rule" is actually one of a 25% minority rule - at most. Even that assumes the counting is honest, which in 2020 was no such thing. And by the way, if "majority rule" were validly to prevail, the 50% who don't v*te would be the landslide winner - meaning that the position, from President to Dog-catcher, should be abolished. Nothing is wrong with voting in a closed, voluntary club or association, which is easy to join and leave, which has no kind of monopoly and which claims no degree of jurisdiction over non-members. But in the prevailing State Religion, every one of those qualifiers is violated. So be a human being today, not a sheep. By staying home we show we repudiate the whole despicable system.