23A010 Scary Story #2 by Jim Davies, 3/7/2023
Unlke this decade's first Scary Story (the Bogus Plague) which is over bar some shouting - and bar the death and suffering of those mauled by the so-called vaccines, none of which have immunized anyone - Story #2 is real and comes with genuine danger and risk. A misjudgement here, a loss of cool there, and... a single nuclear bomb could quite ruin your day. That's how far government sociopaths will go, to try to scare us into keeping them in power. For all of recorded history, wars have been taking place - in which people, usually men, have been killing other people with whom they have no personal quarrel. The current, proxy one against Russia is the 116th in which the USA has been involved since it was founded. And... 1. Every one of those wars was begun by a government. 2. Every one of those wars was begun because the government wanted to increase its power (or to prevent a decrease) over land or people or both. So to abolish war, you must abolish government. The one in Ukraine is an example; it began in the 1990s after the FedGov broke its word given to Russia, that NATO would not expand Eastwards. NATO is a group of 30 governments, mostly in Europe, that are being manipulated by the American one. It's an important part of the US quasi-empire and despite that promise, it has doubled its membership, all in the East. The detail of how this war began was presented brilliantly last week by George F Smith; see here. That's a blatantly obvious threat to the new Russia, an attempt to encircle its business end with nuclear missiles. When Ukraine wanted to join too, it was one too many - so a good name for it is the War of Russian Independence. The USGov began it, motivated by a wish to extend its power, over Russian land and people and rich resources, and perhaps to gain an ally to contain China. Simultaneously, the Ukrainian government stubbornly refused to let go of the land and people in the East of that country, who no longer desired to be subject to its rule. Instead they were bombed and shelled, ever since 2014. And of course the Russian government is concerned not to lose power to the US one, and is not at all averse to gaining some land, formerly part of Ukraine, in its South and East. So all three combatants (the USGov is fighting through proxies, except for its direct act of war by bombing Nordstream) meet assertion #2 above; they are striving to maintain or increase their power. For this sordid purpose, of no benefit to the real people trying to earn a living in the respective domains, hundreds of lives and millions of dollars' worth of equipment are being destroyed daily. It's astonishing, that after 10,000 years of bloodshed the world's governments can still succeed in fooling people into supposing that war is a good idea. The deliberate deception is enormous. They begin by drumming into everyone the notion that their "country" matters, as a quasi-religious ideal. When the bodies are returned for burial, the headstone often says "It is a sweet and noble thing, to die for one's country" - usually in Latin, the better to impress the reader. The lies continue: if heavily pressed to explain what government is for, the answer will include a phrase such as "to provide National defense" - meaning that government will defend the people. Ten seconds' clear thought will reveal the reality that in any war, it's the people who are defending the government. They do so by going without a whole range of "rationed" goods so that munitions can be manufactured, by distorting the economy and so raising living costs, by providing sons for slaughter on the battlefield, and sometimes by suffering the loss of their homes and lives. Napoleon ravaged Europe (because Socialist France could not feed its people) and caused the deaths of 4 million. World War One quadrupled that by killing 16 million. World War Two quadrupled it again and deprived 64 million of life - or quite probably more; the savagery was such that the count is imprecise. Will WW3 do so again, and kill 256 million? When the nukes are flung, it may well do that and more. Such is the criminal madness, the utter lunacy of allowing governments to exist. And yet when we propose their abolition, some people say we're the ones who are crazy! |