23A017 Boys & Girls, Etc. by Jim Davies, 4/25/2023
There are only two genders, and always have been, et vive la différence! ![]() Our Conservative friends are getting hot and bothered by the fact that young kiddies (6 years old!) are being taught at government schools that no, there are more than two genders, perhaps as many as seventy four; and that each of them can choose which he or she (there's an acute pronoun shortage resulting, as you may have heard) shall grow up to become. Rubbish, piled high upon ridiculous nonsense; and deeply disruptive to the children as they mature and figure out their own identities and ambitions. So I've no dispute with what Prager U has to say about this. But I have a serious dispute with what Prager U and other Conservatives fail to say about it. First, mankind and other animals have done remarkably well from the evolution of two sexes. There is a natural division of labor (I'll not call them rôles, for that suggests rôle playing, a pretense) - the dude, being the physically stronger on average, does the hunting and providing, the gal does the child-bearing and -raising. Each is wonderfully fulfilling in its way! I can grasp how a husband might idly wish he could have the amazing experience of giving birth to a live human being, or how a wife might envy her man for the strength of character to lead and protect, of which Paul Craig Roberts wrote recently; but not how such passing whims could grow into a serious plan to have a surgeon mutilate the body. That is just plumb crazy. That doesn't mean that women should never work outside the home! - just that their natural priority is raising the children, for that is the most important task of all. A few ladies of exceptional ability can do both; household-name movie actresses for example, and business founders and CEOs like Mary Kay Ash, Diane von Furstenberg and Meg Whitman. Others have excelled in medicine and other professions - as well as managing a company of kids. But to teach children that they can choose their own gender is false, destructive and cruel. To do so in school, which they are compelled to attend, is doubly cruel. It adds to the existing child abuse that prevails in government schools. Second, then, lying to young children about gender is an addition to all the other distortions of science and history and math and geography and reading and civics and writing and economics that government obliges schools to teach; it's bizarre indeed, but only the latest extension of false indoctrination; and that's where Conservatives like Prager U fail so badly. They don't make that clear, and so don't propose the radical but necessary solution - to scrap the lot. Instead they recommend local political action to press schools to modify the content of what is taught; in other words, to go begging for a favor, rather than instructing a supplier what to provide, as customers would do in a market. Education in the coming Zero Government Society will be a market; with customers buying directly and with their own untaxed money from competing providers. There will be no compulsion at all (because each of us is en exclusive self-owner) - not to pay taxes for schools, not to attend schools, not anything, by anyone. Parents do a fabulous job of educating their children for the first five years of life, and nobody will prevent them continuing that rolling success at home, if they so wish. Or if they prefer to contract the job of education to someone more expert, such specialists will offer their services at competing prices, and choices among them will be made. But today's Conservatives, just like their "Liberal" (read, Socialist) adversaries, have no such clear vision. They wish to retain compulsory schooling, but to indoctrinate the kiddies with their preferred, more wholesome set of values - but the curriculum is not at all the point. The point is that all compulsion is dead wrong and must end. In the ZGS, it will. ![]() The knee-jerk Cancel Culture in Massachusetts is so vicious, authoritarian and hypersensitive that when 12-year-old Liam Morrison went to his Middleborough school in March wearing a T-shirt declaring THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS he was suspended! Details here. He later told the government School Board that it had broken the Supreme Law of the land (Amendment One.) Now, there's a young lad of whom his parents can be really proud. He will go far. I'd like to think that the ZGBlog above inspired Liam to choose that wardrobe item, but it didn't; the incident pre-dated its publication by a month. You can get one here. |