24A012 A New Book by Jim Davies, 4/2/2024


As foretold here on March 12th, a booklet has been born.

It is a 22-page e-booklet called Freedom and How To Find It. It's shorter than Tom Paine's Common Sense, which reached every second household in America, and I've no idea whether it will have a comparable impact - but hope it will have a great deal more. Whereas Paine understood that government is evil, and took up most of his text in the design of one that might limit that evil, this booklet by yours truly entertains no such vain if pious hope. It proposes the total elimination of government and all its malevolent works.

Freedom has only three chapters. The first catalogs some of the mayhem and misery and death that governments cause, for the benefit of any who have somehow failed to notice.

The second is not so commonplace: it outlines what life will probably be like after the rulers have been repudiated, and I've not come across many books or articles covering that ground. One is my own A Vision of Liberty, to which that chapter makes frequent reference, and which is twenty times as detailed. The aim of Chapter 2 is to help the newcomer to all this to feel comfortable and enthusiastic about his coming large increase in freedom and responsibility.

The third is close to unique, though the QuitGov site complements it; as promised in the title, it shows how to get from here to there. I leaned heavily on the brilliant insight of Etienne de la Boëtie 4½ centuries ago: that it can be done rather easily just by withdrawing support. It may not seem so, but it's a fact: every ruler depends heavily on the support of his victims. Take it away, and he will implode. Or, as that Frenchman put it, collapse like a Colossus whose plinth has been removed.

Those are the subjects this e-booklet covers. One other feature makes it unique: the way it's to be distributed. Anyone who reads and likes it is asked to send a copy by email to a couple of dozen friends, with a short covering note. Recipients who also like it will Paypal him half of the $2 cover price (so if 2 of them do, his own copy will have cost him nothing; more than 2, his net cost will have been negative.) Those who do not care for it will simply delete the (.pdf) file and owe nothing.

In that way, I hope, its readership will replicate, perhaps very quickly. Choose reasonable assumptions, and do the math.

Freedom and How To Find It is short, and as simple as I could make it. Paine's pamphlet triggered the first American Revolution. I hope this e-booklet will trigger the second.

Someone will be sending you a copy before long, but as a ZGBlogger why not fetch it yourself from here now, save a buck and get to work at once?




An e-booklet, full of
uncommon sense
What the coming free society
will probably be like
The go-to site for an
overview of a free society
Freedom's prerequisite:
Nothing more is needed
Nothing less will do

What every bureaucrat needs to know
Have them check TinyURL.com/QuitGov

How Government Silenced Irwin Schiff

2016 book tells the sad story and shows that government is even more evil than was supposed