24A024 Run-up to the Reset by Jim Davies, 6/25/2024


2030 is the year, according to Klaus Schwab, the retiring Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) when the nature of society in the "Western World", at least, will radically change. This is the WEF's "Great Reset" well analyzed by Thomas DiLorenzo here in 2021. As Tom says, the WEF vision of what society should be is a quintessentially socialist idea, engineered top-down by force.

On a shelf in the office of Mr Schwab is a bust of Vladimir Lenin, whose only merit in my eyes is that in 1923 he abandoned the irrational and lethal dogma of Marxism as it applied to food production and allowed farmers to profit from their labors with what the Bolsheviks called the "New Economic Policy" in Russia. It was not new at all; it was approximately what had caused food to be grown ever since fixed agriculture was discovered. The reform prevented mass starvation. Lenin died the following year, after which his NEP was whittled away. Starvation returned throughout the USSR, and is particularly well remembered in Ukraine.

Socialism has failed wherever it has been tried, but the WEF plans to impose it anyway, come 2030. That would matter little, if it were just a bunch of academic theoreticians like Schwab; but it's not. Its membership consists of leaders of all countries in NATO and even beyond, plus some of the most influential business oligarchs in the world - including Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. What these people want has a serious chance of being caused to take place. What they all want, of course, is a much-enhanced degree of control; to govern the world.

To prepare populations for this big change, shocks need to be administered during this present decade; and the first was the Bogus Plague, now largely over. That link leads to the ZGBlog about it written in May 2020, and happily I got it pretty well right, as early as that. Beneath the blog are 19 links to later Editions about it, including one for February 2023 called Scary Story #1 which attempts a summary. As the 2020 one shows, I'd already detected that the fraud was focused on NATO countries, whose DPM statistics (all lies) were many times larger than those in other countries. At first I called the group "WENA" for Western Europe and North America, but then noticed that Sweden (not in NATO) was an outlier. Taken out, the fit was perfect - hence, NATO and hence, WEF.

The distancing and masking and house arresting and "vaccinating" and silencing of dissent were not bogus at all, of course, and the wreckage they caused is incalculable - but, as intended, they cowed the populations so that commerce was disrupted and people, intimidated. That was its whole purpose (as noted in that 2020 ZGBlog) and it succeeded to a degree that delighted the WEF. It now knows how far people can be pushed. And you ain't seen nothing, yet.

The Covid Régime was WEF's first Scary Story; a complete fiction (the bug was/is hardly more lethal than the flu) but in this decade of the 20s there is time for three more of similar size, before the Socialist-Communist-Fascists of the WEF come to the "rescue" in 2030 with their Great Reset. The second, I think, is the War of Russian Independence. It seemed to begin as a local squabble in the East of Ukraine but has already escalated to a pending direct nuclear war between NATO and Russia. It has persisted two years expressly and solely because NATO nixed two promising attempts to agree peace terms; the second by Boris Johnson who persuaded Zelensky in 2022 to "keep fighting." Shortly afterwards BoJo resigned as UK Prime Minister, saying it was a "rotten job." Yes.

NATO and its puppet are losing, but instead of hurrying to agree peace before Ukraine vanishes altogether it is, incredibly, doubling down and escalating the conflict. This is seriously hard to believe, but it's a fact; it is heading us directly towards nuclear war. Paul Craig Roberts is a well-informed writer and his recent Watching Washington Foment Nuclear War is a must-read. Notice its inclusion of a quote by Dr Postal of MIT; the recent attack on a component of Russia's Early Warning System (of nuclear missiles over the horizon) could only have been made with direct participation by the US Government. This is provocation of the most dangerous kind.

So much so, I have great difficulty believing it is just "Scary Story #2" in a series of perhaps four, leading up to 2030. Are Blinken, Nuland et al so certifiably insane that they seriously want to destroy civilization? Over what and whom would they and the WEF rule, after it ended?

I'm mostly at a loss to explain this. One possibility is that those people are, indeed, truly and criminally insane. Another is that they have somehow obtained irrefutable proof that the Russian nuclear arsenal is broken. If they are certain that since the USSR collapsed all the missile silos have rusted to the point of being useless, their crazy conduct might be explained. However, there are (or were) several thousand nuke-tipped rockets ready to go, and it's very improbable that all of them are unserviceable. And one nuclear bomb can quite ruin your day.

This is what government does. Sweet dreams.

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